Complaining. We all do it. And gosh darn it, we feel justified. After all, things don't always seem to be in our favor. Bad stuff happens. Small stuff, like a dog who poops in the house. Big stuff, like a major injury or illness. It is what it is. Your small stuff may be someone else's big stuff, and vice versa.
We hear someone talk about gratitude. And we seethe. How can we be grateful in the middle of our stuff? How dare someone suggest we should be grateful in the midst of everything? They obviously have no idea what it's like to live our life. Smug person that they are. Can't they just leave us alone?
I'd like to challenge you today. I'd like to suggest that you follow every complaint with a gratitude. It may not be easy. It may make you uncomfortable. And it's totally do-able. Read on.

I've been asked to give a talk soon, on a topic of my choice related to my experience in a year-long coaching certification program. I titled my talk, "These Things Happen." My chosen topic is turning complaints into gratitudes. Here's a sample:
The Small Stuff
- appointment times: I hear 9:30 Central. My client hears 9:30 Pacific. Both of us sit on the conference call line at different times. Alone. Beating myself up about not being more clear turns into gratitude that my clients are committed and understanding.
- unreliable internet: My son has a proctored online exam scheduled for 4:00 pm. The internet goes down at 3:30. My ISP advises that they are unable to make a service call today. They are seemingly unconcerned that my son may fail his course if he is unable to write his scheduled final. My anger at my ISP's lack of empathy and support turns to gratitude that my neighbors are home and have a working Internet connection.
- interruptions: I lock my door when I'm on client calls. My family has been told they are not to disturb me. While I'm on a call, I see my husband gesturing to me through our patio window. I turn my back to him. After my call, I discover that he has injured himself and wants to be taken to hospital. My frustration at my boundaries not being honored turns to gratitude that he is not severely injured.
The Big Stuff
- a major structural catastrophe on our property - Anger at Mother Nature's cruelty turns to gratitude that it is repairable.
- the death of someone vey close. Rage at the illness that took him turns to gratitude for the times we shared together.
You can do this, too! Is it easy? Not always. Not even usually. Yet it's doable. My challenge to you: each time you catch yourself complaining, follow that complaint with a gratitude. Preferably directly related to the topic of the complaint. If that's not possible for you, then state an unrelated gratitude. Be grateful for the weather. For your health. For the food on your table, the roof above your head, the clothing you are wearing. Anything, even simply the fact that you were able to get out of bed this morning. Keep it up, and you will eventually feel a shift in your perception of the universe. You've got this.
Question: what is one complaint you turned into a gratitude today?
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