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Thursday, 25 August 2016

7 Steps to Get Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do you want to get out of your comfort zone?  Are you sure?  Because, let's face it, our comfort zone is, well......comfortable.  Safe.  A place within which fear keeps us safe from the unexpected  consequences of stretches, risks and (gulp!) dies.

Ah, but stretches, risks and dies are where the magic happens.  Where we learn our true capabilities.  Where anything is possible.  Where we begin to feel our freedom. Where we fly.  Yet, fear tells us not to take those risks.  "It's scary out there!" fear says, "I can't guarantee your safety.  Stay here with me.  Stick with the known." And yet....we yearn.  To be more.  To do more.  To find our purpose.  To get our needs met. To live our dreams.  And we can, by taking the following steps:

Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Power of Procrastination

Some of us procrastinate more than others. For example, I set aside time to write this post much earlier today.  It's now 10 hours past that time, and I'm finally starting.  Many, many articles have been written about why we procrastinate and how to stop procrastinating.  But what if procrastinating is good for us?  What if maybe, just maybe, procrastination is a gift we give to ourselves?  A gateway to a proactive behavior instead of a self-defeating one?

Thursday, 11 August 2016

How to Find Gratitudes in the Midst of Tragedy

There is always, always, always, always, always something to be grateful for.  Sounds trite, doesn't it?  And yet, if it were truly possible, what might happen?  What might you see that you had missed while being stuck?  What missed opportunities might you have taken advantage of?  What feelings might you not have repressed?  How might your life be different?

There have been times in my life when I couldn't find a single gratitude.  When my fiancĂ© committed suicide.  When I saw my 15-year-old daughter's face and description on missing child posters.  When my husband told me he was divorcing me.  When my new love was left in a coma after a traffic accident. When my house burned down.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Great News! The next Fearless Living Book Group is starting soon!

Beginning Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 pm, I, along with my colleague Marcia Dawson, will meet you online for 10 weeks to discuss a different chapter of the book, Fearless Living by Rhonda Britten each week.  We'd love for you to join us.  Learn how to get your needs met, reduce overwhelm, and more, one week at a time.

Register Here for The Fearless Living Book Group!

Grab your spot! Seats are limited for this complimentary interactive group!

Full name*

Don't have your book yet? Click on the Book in the sidebar at the right side to be taken directly to Fearless Living on Amazon.