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Thursday, 30 June 2016

4 Steps to Stop Making Excuses and Take Responsibility for Your Own actions

It's comfortable to make excuses.  And easy.  Convenient.  Justifiable.  There's a sense of satifaction in being able to lay blame on an unplanned event, an act of nature, or another individual for doing something inadequately.  Or not at all. 

However, there's an even greater satisfaction available to us when we stand by our commitments.  We get to acknowledge ourselves.  We get to see how the universe supports us.  We get to feel accomplished.  Here are 4 easy steps to move you from making excuses to taking responsibility.  And first, a story:

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Tips for Communicating with The 4 Types of People

A few months ago, I was introduced to the idea that people fall into four basic types.  Some identify the types as colors, others as numbers, others as shapes.  The theory is that communication becomes much easier when you know your type, as well as the type of the person with whom you wish to interact.  By tailoring your communication style to their type, you'll be better understood, and have a better chance of expressing your needs in a way that the other person will understand and honor.  

Here are the 4 types:

Thursday, 16 June 2016

How I Used Fearless Living Principles to Homeschool a Profoundly Gifted child

Today's blog post is a little different.  Instead of discussing a concept related to Fearless Living, I'd like to give an example of what Fearless Living can do.  Here's an article about my 12-year-old son.  We knew he was special when we realized he could read.  At 16 months of age.  By 3, he was reading (and understanding!) entire books.  By 4-3/4, he had tested at above the 99.9th percentile in standardized tests.  I didn't know anything about Fearless Living back then, and I was terrified!  How was I going to ensure the best possible education for this child? What if my actions stifled, instead of helped him? Gulp! 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

6 Things a Life Coach Can Do For You

Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Wanting to make different choices in the future? Not sure how to do so?

Are you frustrated? Overwhelmed? Feeling like you're not getting your needs met? Unable to set boundaries? Or not getting your boundaries respected?

Or perhaps, your life is going great, and you'd love to have more of the same, or something better?  Are you looking for someone to keep you accountable?

Read on for  6 ways I, as a CFLC Life Coach, can help:

Thursday, 2 June 2016

How to Use Acknowledgements to Stop Beating Yourself Up

What are acknowledgements, anyway?  In Fearless Living, we use acknowledgements to remind ourselves that hey, we did that!  We thought that! We recognized that!  We shifted!  Oftentimes, we may think of acknowledging others for something they achieved, yet ignore ourselves.  That feeling of, "I'm not good enough" gets in the way.  The feeling that tells us we're undeserving of our own praise. That feeling that tells us we're not good enough. No matter what we do.  And yet, we ARE good enough. Here's how to get ourselves back on track.