About Me

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Reader Survey: What Would You Like to Ask Your Life Coach?

Help me to help you.  What topics interest you most?  What would you like to see discussed?

Would you you be willing to help me out? I want to be sure you, and others, are getting the support you need. 

Whether you're a reader of my blog, or even if this is your first visit, you can help by identifying the areas that are most relevant to you. 

Help me create the content you want to see by completing this short survey.  It shouldn't take more than 6 minutes, tops!

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Thursday, 14 April 2016

Intentions: The Antidote to Expectations

Shoudda, coudda, woudda.  When is the last time something didn't turn out the way you thought it should?  Who did you blame?  Did you tell yourself someone *should have* done something differently? Or did you blame yourself for something you *could have* done differently?  Did you gripe about what *would have* happened under different circumstances?  These are all signs of being in a state of expectation.  Guess what?  Expectations are normal!  Yet, living in expectation can leave us feeling frustrated, irritated, and unfulfilled.  Luckily, there's an antidote.  Read on.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

The 3 S's of Connection: Finding New Friends

Something came up in my Facebook feed this morning that reminded me of the importance of creating connections.  Here's what I read:  "...researchers examined nearly 150 previously published longitudinal studies that measured how the frequency of human interaction affects health outcomes. They concluded that low social interaction can be compared to the damage caused by smoking fifteen cigarettes a day, being an alcoholic, or not exercising..."