About Me

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Why Affirmations Don't Work for Some People

Do affirmations work for you?  If so, great!  Keep it up :) 

If not, let's have a look at why.  And let's look at what we can do instead.

Why Affirmations Don't Work for Some People

Do affirmations work for you?  If so, great!  Keep it up :) 

If not, let's have a look at why.  And let's look at what we can do instead.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

How Being Vulnerable Sets You Free

I belong to quite a few Facebook groups.  Each has a different focus. And yet, there is a common element: sharing knowledge.  Occasionally, someone will be fearless, and describe a challenge they are experiencing.  Ask for help.  People love to give suggestions and opinions when that happens.  One thing I've noticed, though.  The opinion- and advice-givers rarely ask for advice themselves. They want to appear confident and in control.  As one poster put it recently, "I don't do vulnerable." 

I'd like to invite that poster, and anyone else who's unwilling to be vulnerable, to step outside their comfort zone. Being vulnerable sets you free.  Here's how:

Thursday, 15 September 2016

How Asking Yourself this ONE Question Can Change Your Life

How many times are we sure we know what another person is going to say, or how they will react? How many times are we sure we know the outcome of someone's statement, or how a certain situation will play out?  Most of the time?  And how many times does that certainty paralyze us?  Fear uses this technique to keep us in our comfort zone.

I'm going to teach you a question that, when you ask it to yourself, will change your thinking. This question will give you the courage to take that risk that you've been avoiding.  Permission to move out of your comfort zone.  Permission to open up new channels of communication.  New frontiers.  Permission to see situations, and people in a different light.  

Sound good?  Let's continue.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Only One Core Fear? Really?

There's so much talk about fear lately.  On the Internet. In magazines. Newspaper articles.  Among friends.  Everyone's saying how fear is holding you back.  And how you need to push through that fear to move toward your dreams.  Your wishes.  Or even your life's purpose.  

Yet, it's left up to you to define what it is that scares you.  Perhaps you're led to believe that a different fear rules Every. Single. Situation.  That each time you feel stuck, it's a different fear you have to face.  To accept.  To move past.  I challenge you today to think differently.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

You *Are* Good Enough

I'm under the weather, and choosing to give myself a day off.  Wanted you all to know I'm thinking about you, though.  You're good. You're great.  You're fantastic.  You've got this!